Small Town. Big Farm. Bigger Plans.

Our Roots

The Paulsmeyer brothers come from a long line of farmers. Their family has been farming in the Missouri River bottoms since the late 1800s, and the tradition doesn’t show any sign of stopping. 

Growing up on a family farm, the Paulsmeyer boys got an early start in the produce business. More than 20 years ago, the young brothers began selling their own watermelons at an unmanned roadside stand to make a little summer money. The watermelons were the talk of the town, and the stand quickly became a local success story. 

The family of Paulsmeyer brothers on their pumpkin farm in Missouri

Over the years, the boys expanded their offerings beyond watermelons. They now raise sweet corn, cantaloupes, and pumpkins in addition to their signature seeded and seedless watermelons. They’ve also expanded their reach far beyond the edge of their farm in Osage County — Boys From Chamois produce can be found in markets and grocery stores across the state.

Even as the farm grows and grows, the boys still maintain their small-town values. They enjoy family dinners making their Grandma Eileen’s sweetcorn, and they’ll never turn away a local boy who wants to sell watermelons to make a little summer money. And believe it or not, the original payment box still sits at the end of the farm’s driveway. It just so happens that the honor system works pretty well in Chamois.

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